
by @jehiah on 2005-12-20 16:35UTC
Filed under: All , Javascript , ajax

You love prototype.js, and you use Form.Element.getValue() all the time. Here is the Form.Element.setValue() counterpart. The setValue() function can be found in my prototypeUtils.js

It works like this


No need to worry if it’s a textarea, text field, select box, check box, or a radio box. It just works.

This also allows for some beautifull JSON integration. Say you want to load a form with values that you get back from an ajax call (the Ajax part is an exercise left for you - the reader)

var userdata = {"username":"jehiah","usertype":"admin"};

We can write a simple function to unpack those values into the form

function unpackToForm(data){
   for (i in data){

Now to unpack that data to our form we just use


Nice =)

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