Say Hello to Projects

by @jehiah on 2005-04-24 05:49UTC
Filed under: All

Call me crazy for updating my site during crunch time at school…. but I think of it as a stress reliever. There have been changes going on under the hood of this site. The biggest one which you can see already is the addition of a projects section to this site.

It isn’t finished yet, but I like to think of it as my own Google Labs where things are in a quazi development/production state. So keep an eye out, and check out what i’m up to.

If you are subscribed to my RSS feed you will probably hear when any new projects get posted… but you never know. (The fact that you are reading this anyway probably means you are subscribed… but I digress)

This post is close to breaking my cardinal rule of never posting a post without technical value.. so here is the value of this post: 1+1=2

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