Announcing GlassDuck - Photo Album software

by @jehiah on 2006-05-20 02:24UTC
Filed under: All , HTML , Javascript , CSS , PHP , Web

GlassDuck is a javascript based photo album which organizes photos by date, and automatically displays new pictures. Perfect for putting photos on your website.

I’ve been working on my photo album for the past two years tweaking it. I’m proud to finally release it so you can use it too! You can checkout the GlassDuck Demo and go visit the project page to download it.

My photo album contains 1,913 photos, and it works like a snap, so don’t worry about having too many images. There is very little server side coding involved except one super simple page which serves up a list of image file names. I wrote that part in PHP, but could easily be redone in ColdFusion, ASP, or Python in a few moments; so don’t feel tied down to any one language.

Check it out, and enjoy!

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