Websites I Run
Data Repositories I run
Mobile Apps
Software Frameworks / Libraries
socrata_to_bigquery - Tool to sync SODATA / Socrata to Google BigQuery
little_bigtable - emulator for Google Bigtable with sqlite3 persistance - realtime distributed message processing at scale
gomrjob - Go framework for running MapReduce jobs on Hadoop or Dataproc
git-open-pull - convert an issue to a pull request from the CLI
private_s3_httpd - HTTP Server for private Amazon S3 content
lru - Go library for caching arbitrary data with least-recently-used (LRU) eviction strategy
sortdb - HTTP API for querying data in a sorted CSV file
data_hacks - command line tools for data analysis
urlnorm - python library for URL normalization
json2csv - convert stream of JSON messages to CSV
Archived Projects
cwc - A tool for managing NYC 311 complaints to the T&LC
GTFS Data Exchange - an international clearing house for GTFS transit schedule data
theNextTrain - Train schedules for commuter railroads
Pathstats - paid plugin for Mint
asyncmongo - python library for asynchronous to mongodb
oauth2_proxy - reverse proxy providing authentication with Google or other OAuth providers
Amharic Letters - OSX app for learning the sounds of Amharic
- - Tracking calls for Bill de Blasio to resign as NYC Mayor