Announcing Memcached for Java

by @jehiah on 2006-01-05 06:35UTC
Filed under: All , Web , Java , memcached

The web just got faster. Now Memcached for Java is available to all those who are still running their websites on windows, haven’t purchased their new powerbook yet, or can’t install memcached on linux.

I have just completed porting the memcached server (which powers a who’s who list of sites from to which do millions of dynamic page views a day) to Java. More info on memcached can be found at

It’s beta just for a while, until it gets a few other eyes on it, a little exercise, and a little performance tweaking. It is however, a fully featured drop in replacement for its C counterpart.

Performance you ask? It’s good. As it stands now only half of the C version. It does 40 thousand gets or sets in 6 seconds (on my win2k laptop). The sets are slightly slower on linux.

If you aren’t using memcached yet, there are client API’s in virtually every server side language. (Ok, I know I have a lot of readers who use ColdFusion, and ColdFusion is notably missing from the list of apis supported. Don’t worry. Stay tuned to this blog for one coming soon. Porting the server to Java just had to come first)

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