ColdFusion Veteran

by @jehiah on 2005-02-23 00:16UTC
Filed under: All , ColdFusion

It’s been a long time and i’m happy to add 7.0 to the stack of boxes, but it beg’s the question…. what makes ones self a veteran ColdFusion Programer?

Is it that you know Macromedia purchased ColdFusion from Allaire?

Is it that you have used Homesite, and ColdFusion Studio before being dragged into Dreamweaver?

Is it that you learned to program in ColdFusion with textpad before there was Homesite and such?

Is it that you remember the hideous color used in the ColdFusion administrator section in 3.0?

Is it that you have ported .dbm code (possibly code you wrote) to .cfm?

In all honesty, I think the kicker that makes you a veteran is when you wonder “what happened to that cool lightning bolt?”

Thanks Macromedia!

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