Teach apache about .m4a files

by @jehiah on 2006-10-18 03:02UTC
Filed under: All , Web , SysAdmin

We all know it’s really the mime types that matter on the internet (despite what internet explorer might tell you)… we just take for granted that apache knows about them all, it is after all open source right?

Well as it turns out, there are common file types (like .m4a) that it doesn’t know about. This will cause problems for Safari users, since safari happily honors mime types, or lack thereof, and would be inclined to serve up those audio files up as text. plain unreadable garbage text that is.

But it’s easy to teach apache about .m4a files, just add “m4a” to the following line in your mime.types config file

audio/mpeg     mpga mp2 mp3 m4a

thats it, Safari users everywhere will thank you (assuming you actually restarted apache as well)

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