Verity Collections That don't re-index

by @jehiah on 2005-01-27 13:44UTC
Filed under: All , ColdFusion

After running a script to refresh a verity collection with 25k+ documents; it finishes but there are still no documents in the collection. Normal execution time for this script is around 50 minutes which should give you an idea of the collection size.

In the sysinfo.log file specific to that collection - normally in a location like: d:/CfusionMX/verity/collections/collection_name/collection_name/file/sysinfo.log for a standalone install or d:/JRun4/servers/cfusion/cfusion-ear/cfusion-war/WEB-INF/cfusion/ verity/collections/collection_name/collection_name/file/sysinfo.log for a Jrun install - you see: > msg(1): Error E2-0521 (Document Index): Out of memory
> msg(1): Error E3-0021 (VDK): Failed 1 times to build partition d:/CfusionMX/verity/collections/collection_name/collection_name/file/parts/00000001.did

ColdFusion 6.1 will fail to complete refreshing a collection when the server is already running near the Max JVM Heap Size. Increase the JVM Heap Size if you can, or lower your cache settings to free some memory.

The only other error I could find that was close to this is when Verity runs out of disk space. In that case it will exibit the same symptoms - an empty collection.

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