
35 in this category

2011 Dec 07 Auto-incrementing build numbers in Xcode
2011 Dec 05 Using Chameleon UIKit to build an iOS app for OSX
2011 Aug 16 Mini iOS Developer Guide
2011 Apr 04 LRU Cache in C with uthash
2011 Mar 25 Data Processing @
2011 Mar 08 Application Settings
2011 Mar 04 Shell Script Args Parsing
2010 Oct 20 Ascii Bar Charts
2010 Oct 20 Data Hacks
2010 Oct 15 Coding for “Production”
2010 Aug 31 json2csv
2010 Aug 27 The Definitive Guide to HTML, URL and Javascript Escaping
2009 Oct 07 Easy iPhone Simulator Screenshots
2009 May 14 svn undo
2009 Mar 02 Its more fun to work with smart people!
2008 Aug 25 Way back in February . . .
2008 Jun 09 A Long List of Distributed Filesystems
2008 May 31 A 1983 Inteview with the Apple Lisa Development Team
2008 Apr 24 A Tip on Complex Django Quieries
2008 Jan 23 Firing Javascript Events (like onchange)
2007 Oct 25 getYearMonthWeekRange
2007 Oct 02 PIL Image to wx.Image and wx.Bitmap
2007 Aug 06 Creating Images with Numpy
2007 Aug 01 when does a sql union not return both sides of the query?
2006 Aug 28 Clicking Submit Twice
2006 Aug 23 Oracle Date to Unix Timestamp
2006 Aug 23 Printing Code
2006 Aug 14 Distributed Systems as Organisims
2006 Jul 27 Drawing WindBarbs in FloatCanvas
2006 Jul 12 Spatial proximity searching using lat/longs
2006 Jul 11 Printing Relative Dates in Python
2006 Jul 10 FloatCanvas - wrapping world projection
2006 Jun 14 convert database_column_names to mixedCaseNames and back again
2006 Apr 26 SCRUM
2005 Apr 30 Access to Oracle Migration

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